While the “Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act” (Republic Act 11148) has just been signed by President Duterte, FPUA had the pleasure of accompanying Nutriset on FPUA sites for an initial meeting with the communities of Daanbantayan and Bogo.

The future of these communities is based on the good health of its individuals, particularly pregnant and lactating women, and young children. With the assistance of Nutriset, nutritional solutions can be provided for the “first 1000 days” period of the life covered by the Republic Act 11148.

The term “first 1,000 days” refers to the period from conception to two years of the child. During this period, the child is particularly vulnerable not only because of his natural fragility and his dependence on adults but also because the environment around him, and sometimes the aggression, will influence his future health.

The visit of Nutriset has confirmed the need of “first 1000 days” interventions, supported by evidence from community members that some of their children are stunted and others are reported malnourished. The efforts of the local governments are acknowledged. Short feeding programs have already shown positive results on the children, however so much more need to be done on the long-term.

An independent French family-owned company, Nutriset is a key player in the fight against malnutrition, recognized for its expertise in research in nutrition, the design and manufacture of food products with high nutritional value. Nutriset collaborates with the United Nations, governments, NGOs, academic institutions and civil society – with a unique mandate: to contribute to nutritional autonomy for all.

Since the completion of the rehabilitation sites, FPUA focuses on developing programs in education, health, environment and livelihood. Good nutrition is critical for child physical and mental development as it affects learning and earning capacity and thus education and livelihood opportunities. As FPUA’s goal is to build long-term strong and sustainable FPUA communities, the development of nutrition programs are essentials.

With your support, FPUA can facilitate the implementation of “first 1000 days” projects in the communities of Daanbantayan and Bogo. Awareness raising actions on good hygiene and food practices are already in place, but can be strengthened. Access to specialized products, such as those Nutriset has developed especially for a “first 1000 days” approach, may be possible thanks to your generosity and your contributions.

Contact us now at info@fpua.ph to know more about the opportunity to build strong children.

Visit Nutriset website here to know the full range of their products.