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June 2018

ESSILOR MANUFACTURING PHILIPPINES INC. won CSR Creative Award at CCI Business Awards 2018

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By Patrick Martinet (

During the “Business Awards Night Ceremony” June 7th, 2018 organized by CCI France-Philippines, Essilor Manufacturing Philippines Inc (EMPI) was recognized for its Corporate Social Responsibility actions by France-Philippines United Action through their Executive Director, Ms. Elodie Turpin.

This Special Price and Award, recognizes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions conducted in 2017 to contribute to eradicate uncorrected poor vision and “improving lives by improving sight.”

This 2018 Business Awards Night organized for the 30th anniversary of CCI France-Philippines has honored innovative actions across all industries as well as social contributions through their commitment to community and environment’s sustainability. This special award given to EMPI is in effect a recognition for all the actions done by Essilor companies in the Philippines.

Patrick Martinet, EMPI Managing Director, informed that among the 7.4 billion people around the world who need to protect and preserve their vision, if only from the harmful effects of the sun, more than 4.6 billion of them really need vision correction to improve their sight (due to myopia, presbyopia,, etc. ). But only 2.1 billion have access, leaving room for a large population of 2.5 billion people with uncorrected vision problems.

This is the reason why Essilor decided to eradicate uncorrected poor vision. So a broad program was launched through Essilor Vision Foundation and supported by the group’s different entities in more than 100 countries worldwide.

In 2017, around 20,000 people benefited from EMPI’s visual screening, about 40 % have needed vision correction, and destitute people as well as school children were awarded eyeglasses.

All these actions have been made possible with the strong support of local opticians and full involvement of many EMPI’s employees who are proud to contribute to the Essilor Group Mission.

Pernod Ricard Philippines conducts Responsib’All day in Taal Lake, Batangas

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June 7 2018, Pernod Ricard’s Responsib’All day sees its 18,500 employees spending a whole day away from their daily tasks to engage in over 100 local community projects. Pernod Ricard is one of the world’s leading wines and spirits companies.

For this 8th edition, the group chose to focus on SDG6 “clean water and sanitation” and SDG15 “life on land”. In line with Pernod Ricard’s commitment against plastic pollution, this year, 40 projects are dedicated to clean water where employees clean lakes, rivers and beaches, in various countries around the globe including the Philippines.

On this special day, Pernod Ricard Philippines spent the day cleaning Taal Lake and sharing convivialité with the local communities.

The purpose of the environmental activity, specifically the Taal Lake Coastal Cleanup was to increase awareness among communities and citizens on SDG 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” , engage citizens to remove trash and debris from beaches and waterways, to identify the sources of the litter, and to change the behaviors that cause pollution, and provide assistance to the local fishing communities by providing technology and equipment to measure water viability.

Participants were divided into 5 groups with including Pernod Ricard employees and DENR representatives. Each group was assigned to clean a specific area previously identified by the implementing partners and given an hour and a half to complete the waste collection. The collected wastes were segregated and sorted per category by each participating group. All groups reconvened for the data analysis of the waste collected from the clean up.

Pusod Inc. provided a waste data checklist for the participants. The waste data collection and monitoring was supervised by representatives from the Department of Environment and National Resources (DENR).

The company also donated aquaculture kits to Taal Lake fisherfolk to help them assess water conditions for fish growth and water vitality.

This project was organized in partnership with France-Philippines United Action Foundation, the Bato-Balani Foundation and in cooperation with the local government of Taal, the Taal Lake Conservation Center or Pusod Inc.